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The Following individuals testified at the Special Rapporteur’s criminalization summit in Geneva in March 2018, or submitted written testimony for inclusion in this website. Click on each individual’s country name or photograph for photo, audio, and/or written testimony.

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Jorge Nahuel 

Confederación Mapuche de Neuquén


"We are not protesting or simply expressing our discontent. We are exercising a right."

Botwana_Keekabile Mogodu_2.jpg

Keikabile Mogodu

Botswana Khwedom Council


“When I come as an indigenous person, it’s very difficult for the government to listen to me.”

Brazil_Inaya Gomes Lopes_2.jpg

Inaye Gomes Lopes

Aty Guaso Kaiowa E Guarani


"There are a lot of people dying in Brazil. Well, not dying; they are being killed."

Colombia_ Aida Marina Vivas_1.jpg

Aida Marina Vivas 

ONIC (Organización Nacional Indígena de Colombia)


“I have a bulletproof vest, but I almost never use it. Why? Because I do not think that’s the solution that will allow me to live without having to wear one.”

Guatemala_Aura Lolita Chavez Ixcaquic_2.

Aura Lolita Chávez Ixcaquic

Consejo de Pueblos K’iche’ por la Defensa de la Vida, Madre Naturaleza, Tierra y Territorio (Council of K'iche' People for the Defense of Life, Mother Nature, Land and Territory)


“We are expected to reach an agreement with the perpetrators of these crimes.”

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Alfred Brownell

Founder, Green Advocates



“It’s a lawyer's nightmare. You are trapped in this vicious circle of defending your clients against criminalization and there is hardly time to pursue their complaints in a judicial forum.”

Peru_William Rodrigo Lauracio

Rodrigo Lauracio Apaza

ONG Derechos Humanos y Medio Ambiente


“Unfortunately, many organizations have—ironically—reached the conclusion that, unless some lives are lost, the state will not take action.”

Peru_Jose Bayardo Chata Pacoricona_2.jpg

José Bayardo Chata Pacoricona 

ONG Derechos Humanos y Medio Ambiente


“Businesses can find ways to protect their own interests. But, what mechanisms do we have as Indigenous Peoples when our rights have been affected?”

© 2018 by the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI), a global coalition of 15 Partners, 7 Affiliated Networks, 14 International Fellows, and more than 150 collaborating international, regional, and community organizations dedicated to advancing the forestland and resource rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities. The views presented on this site are not necessarily shared by the agencies that have generously supported this work, nor by all the Partners and Affiliated Networks of the Coalition. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0. View our privacy policy,


© 2018 por la Iniciativa para los derechos y recursos (Rights and Resources Initiative, o RRI por sus siglas en inglés). RRI es una coalición mundial de 15 socios principales, 7 redes afiliadas, 14 miembros internacionales y más de 150 organizaciones colaboradoras a nivel internacional, regional y comunitario, que se dedica a
fomentar los derechos de los pueblos indígenas y las comunidades locales sobre la tierra y los recursos forestales. Los puntos de vista presentados aquí no necesariamente los comparten los organismos que generosamente patrocinaron el presente trabajo o todos los socios y redes afiliadas de la coalición RRI. Este trabajo es bajo Creative Commons License Atribución Creativa CC BY 4.0.

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