Victoria Tauli-Corpuz
Victoria Tauli-Corpuz
Victoria Tauli-Corpuz
Victoria Tauli-Corpuz
Victoria Tauli-Corpuz is the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, a position she has held since 2014. An indigenous leader hailing from the Kankanaey Igorot community in the Philippines’ Cordillera region, she has been fighting for the rights of Indigenous Peoples and rural women since the 1970s, when she helped build an indigenous movement that successfully stopped major dam and logging projects in the Cordillera region.
Since then, Tauli-Corpuz has founded and managed several civil society organizations dedicated to the advancement of indigenous and women’s rights, including the Tebtebba Foundation, of which she serves as founder and executive director. In addition to her duties as UN Special Rapporteur, Tauli-Corpuz also serves as an expert for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, an adviser for the Third World Network, and a member of the United Nations Development Programme Civil Society Organizations Advisory Committee.
In March 2018, Tauli-Corpuz was placed on a list of “terrorists” by the Philippine government, alongside hundreds of other indigenous and human rights defenders, as retaliation for speaking up against the Duterte administration’s human rights violations. She remains in exile from her native Philippines, and continues to fight for Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and women around the world.
Victoria Tauli-Corpuz is the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, a position she has held since 2014. An indigenous leader hailing from the Kankanaey Igorot community in the Philippines’ Cordillera region, she has been fighting for the rights of Indigenous Peoples and rural women since the 1970s, when she helped build an indigenous movement that successfully stopped major dam and logging projects in the Cordillera region.
Since then, Tauli-Corpuz has founded and managed several civil society organizations dedicated to the advancement of indigenous and women’s rights, including the Tebtebba Foundation, of which she serves as founder and executive director. In addition to her duties as UN Special Rapporteur, Tauli-Corpuz also serves as an expert for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, an adviser for the Third World Network, and a member of the United Nations Development Programme Civil Society Organizations Advisory Committee.
In March 2018, Tauli-Corpuz was placed on a list of “terrorists” by the Philippine government, alongside hundreds of other indigenous and human rights defenders, as retaliation for speaking up against the Duterte administration’s human rights violations. She remains in exile from her native Philippines, and continues to fight for Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and women around the world.
The Problem of Overlap: The Panamanian government stalls on indigenous land titling on protected areas
by Christine Halvorson
Rainforest Foundation US
The Problem of Overlap: The Panamanian government stalls on indigenous land titling on protected areas
by Christine Halvorson
Rainforest Foundation US
The Problem of Overlap: The Panamanian government stalls on indigenous land titling on protected areas
by Christine Halvorson
Rainforest Foundation US
The Problem of Overlap: The Panamanian government stalls on indigenous land titling on protected areas
by Christine Halvorson
Rainforest Foundation US
The Problem of Overlap: The Panamanian government stalls on indigenous land titling on protected areas
by Christine Halvorson
Rainforest Foundation US
Organization: Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Montaña
Community: Tlapa de Comonfort
Spokesperson Name: Abel Barrera
Organization: ONG Derechos Humanos y Medio Ambiente
Spokesperson Name: : Jose Bayardo Chata Pacoricona (10:50-18:16)
La Autora

Victoria Tauli-Corpuz es la Relatora Especial de la ONU sobre los derechos de los pueblos indígenas, puesto que ocupa desde 2014. Es una líder indígena que viene de la comunidad Kankanaey Igorot en la región Cordillera de Filipinas. Ha luchado por los derechos de los pueblos indígenas y mujeres rurales desde la década de 1970, cuando ayudó a construir un movimiento indígena que detuvo exitosamente proyectos de grandes represas y tala en la región Cordillera.
Desde entonces, Tauli-Corpuz ha fundado y llevado varias organizaciones de la sociedad civil dedicadas al adelanto de los derechos de los pueblos indígenas y las mujeres, incluida la Fundación Tebtebba, de la que es fundadora y directora ejecutiva. Estuvo involucrada en la redacción y adopción de la Declaración de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas en 2007, y sirvió como Presidenta del Foro Permanente de las Naciones Unidas para las Temas Indígenas de 2005 a 2010. En 2009, recibió el Premio Gabriela Silang de la Comisión Nacional de Pueblos Indígenas en reconocimiento del trabajo que ha realizado al frente de la lucha por los derechos de los pueblos indígenas.
En marzo de 2018, el gobierno filipino incluyó a Tauli-Corpuz en una lista de "terroristas", junto con otros cientos de defensores de los derechos humanos e indígenas, como represalia por criticar las violaciones de derechos humanos cometidas por la administración Duterte. Continúa luchando por los pueblos indígenas, las comunidades locales y las mujeres de todo el mundo.
Los testimonios
Las siguientes personas testificaron en la cumbre de criminalización de la Relatora Especial en Ginebra en marzo de 2018. Haga clic en el nombre del país o la fotografía de cada orador para escuchar su testimonio.
En español y portugués:
Jorge Nahuel
Confederación Mapuche de Neuquén
"No estamos protestando ni estamos simplemente manifestando un malestar. Estamos ejerciendo un derecho".
Inaye Gomes Lopes
Aty Guaso Kaiowa E Guarani
"Está muriendo mucha gente en Brasil. Bueno, muriendo no. Están siendo asesinados".
Aura Lolita Chávez Ixcaquic
Consejo de Pueblos K’iche’ por la Defensa de la Vida, Madre Naturaleza, Tierra y Territorio (Council of K'iche' People for the Defense of Life, Mother Nature, Land and Territory)
"Tenemos que dialogar y tenemos que ponernos de acuerdo o conciliar con los perpetuadores".
Rodrigo Lauracio Apaza
ONG Derechos Humanos y Medio Ambiente
"En nuestro país muchas organizaciones hemos considerado que, irónicamente, sin muertos, no habrá acciones del Estado peruano".
José Bayardo Chata Pacoricona
ONG Derechos Humanos y Medio Ambiente
"Las empresas tienen formas de buscar remediación para ellos. Pero ¿qué mecanismos hay a favor de los pueblos indígenas cuando han sido mellados"?
En inglés:
Keikabile Mogodu
Botswana Khwedom Council
“When I come as an indigenous person, it’s very difficult for the government to listen to me.”