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Stand Up for Land Rights

Secure land rights for Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and rural women are a solution to many global challenges—yet much progress remains to be made. 


Indigenous Peoples and local communities customarily own more than 50 percent of the world’s land but only have legally recognized rights to 10 percent. This not only enables governments to declare them "illegal" occupants of their ancestral lands, but also hinders humanity's collective ability to reduce deforestation, fight climate change, and keep peace.


Below are some actions you can take to stand up for land rights. If you'd like to contribute to this page, please contact


Join the Land Rights Now movement


The Land Rights Now campaign, co-convened by the Rights and Resources Initiative, Oxfam, and the Interlational Land Coalition, is a global call to action aiming to engage and mobilize communities, organizations, governments, and individuals worldwide in promoting and securing Indigenous Peoples and local communities’ land rights. Visit the Land Rights Now website and sign up at the top of the homepage to receive news and urgent action alerts. 


Protect human rights defenders


Download this brief compilation of resources and contacts for human rights defenders. 


Stay informed or learn more


Sign up for the Rights and Resources Initiative's newsletter to learn why land rights are key to achieving nearly all Sustainable Development Goals, from gender equality to combating climate change. You can also subscribe to our blog.

Follow these leaders and experts on social media


Victoria Tauli-Corpuz

UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples


Rukka Sombolinggi

Secretary General, Indigenous Peoples Alliance of the Archipelago (AMAN)


Front Line Defenders​


Global Witness​​


Amazon Watch​​


Yator Kiptum

Sengwer Indigenous Peoples Programme


Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI)

Anne-Sophie Gindroz, Southeast Asia Facilitator

Omaira Bolaños, Latin America program director

Kundan Kumar, Asia program director


Michel Forst

UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders


© 2018 by the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI), a global coalition of 15 Partners, 7 Affiliated Networks, 14 International Fellows, and more than 150 collaborating international, regional, and community organizations dedicated to advancing the forestland and resource rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities. The views presented on this site are not necessarily shared by the agencies that have generously supported this work, nor by all the Partners and Affiliated Networks of the Coalition. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0. View our privacy policy,


© 2018 por la Iniciativa para los derechos y recursos (Rights and Resources Initiative, o RRI por sus siglas en inglés). RRI es una coalición mundial de 15 socios principales, 7 redes afiliadas, 14 miembros internacionales y más de 150 organizaciones colaboradoras a nivel internacional, regional y comunitario, que se dedica a
fomentar los derechos de los pueblos indígenas y las comunidades locales sobre la tierra y los recursos forestales. Los puntos de vista presentados aquí no necesariamente los comparten los organismos que generosamente patrocinaron el presente trabajo o todos los socios y redes afiliadas de la coalición RRI. Este trabajo es bajo Creative Commons License Atribución Creativa CC BY 4.0.

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